Vendredi, 17 janvier, 2025

Our firm recently had the opportunity to help a fast-growing company specializing in medical tourism to recruit qualified staff from abroad. The company was looking to integrate an international organization consultant, a key position for interacting with different countries and structuring its management strategy.


Challenges faced by the company


The employer shared with us the difficulties encountered during the recruitment process. Despite several attempts to identify local talent, they had identified an exceptional profile in Côte d'Ivoire: a professional who had distinguished himself through his skills and international experience, notably by saving a life in a critical medical context.


Our step-by-step support


1. Analysis of requirements and recruitment conditions

We began by analyzing :

- The profile of the identified candidate.

- The company's activity and specific skills requirements.

- Steps already taken by the employer, including job offers posted in France, to check that all the necessary conditions were met for recruitment from abroad.


2. Work permit application

Once these checks had been completed, we applied to the relevant authorities for a work permit. This was obtained within a month, thanks to a complete file that complied with the legal requirements for a resident outside France.


3. Preparation and follow-up of the visa application

Once we had obtained the work permit, we began the visa application procedure:

- Contact with OFII in Abidjan: the applicant was informed promptly and accompanied every step of the way.

- File preparation: we prepared all the necessary documents, in coordination with the company.

- Submitting the application: our expertise ensured that the appointment to submit the visa application was made quickly.


The visa application took two months to process, followed by a mandatory medical examination. Three weeks after this visit, the applicant received his visa.


4. Reception and installation in France

On arrival in France, our firm also assisted the employee with :

- Validating his long-stay visa with OFII.

- Settling in France, ensuring that he had all the resources he needed to take up his new position.


Result for the company


Thanks to this smooth process, the company was able to quickly integrate a competent international consultant, strengthening its ability to manage its activities on a global scale. It is now well equipped to continue its expansion in the medical tourism sector.


Our expertise for all sectors


Our firm supports companies in their international recruitment needs, whether for strategic profiles, specialized talent or skilled workers. We operate in all business sectors, providing expertise at every stage: work permits, visas, settlement of foreign employees.


For further information, please contact us at our offices in Paris, Bordeaux and Dakar. We look forward to assisting you with your international recruitment projects.


Our contact details

- Head office : Bordeaux

- Secondary office: Paris

- Telephone: 09 85 40 18 64

- E-mail:

- Website:


Nos points forts


Conscient de vos préoccupations en matière de qualité de main-d’œuvre, le cabinet vous assiste et vous conseille dans la procédure de recrutement de vos salariés étrangers


Le secret professionnel est un principe fondamental de la profession d'avocat. Le cabinet en assure le respect dans tous les échanges avec sa clientèle ainsi que dans le traitement de dossier


Elle s'inscrit dans le dynamisme de la relation client. Le cabinet vous assure une rapidité de réaction afin de répondre efficacement à vos attentes et questionnements


Elle est essentielle à la bonne compréhension des besoins du client et se traduit par une disponibilité constante de l'avocat


Le cabinet vous assure une compétence professionnelle solide dans ses domaines d'intervention afin de garantir l'efficacité de ses prestations


L'avocat doit tenir un discours éclairé au client pour qu'il appréhende les enjeux et conséquences, et décide de manière efficiente des choix qui s'offrent à lui


Le cabinet a pour ambition d'être à l'écoute de ses clients et de leurs attentes, en mettant à leur disposition un accompagnement personnalisé et constant

Vos projets sont en effet
au centre de nos préoccupations